Friday, October 25, 2013

Going Solo: Gen 1.7

It was a cold and rainy Spooky Day as I headed to the hospital. Once I was settled into my room, I called Matt to tell him I was in labor. I didn't expect him to show up, but much to my surprise he did. He stayed with me the whole time and was there when our daughter was born. I named her Kerrington, Kerri for short, and she was beautiful. Matt thought the name was too much, but I said she needed to have strong and unique name. He couldn't argue too much since he wasn't putting his name on the birth certificate.

The evening we were released, Matt took us home and stayed for a little while playing with his daughter. He said he didn't want to be involved, but I think our little Kerri was going to change his mind. Being a mom was hard! I don't know how my mom did this.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Going Solo: Gen 1.6

I was still getting sick so I finally went to the market to get a home pregnancy test. After the first one, I took a few more because I really wanted the outcome to be different. But they weren't, there on the screen of the little stick was the word PREGNANT.

I couldn't be pregnant, I was getting somewhere in my career, I was on the way to making a name for myself. I couldn't have a kid now! How did this happen? I mean I know how it happens, but HOW did it happen to me? The next question I had to ask myself was who was the father. It could be a choice of three possible people. Matt Hamming, Devin Ashton, or Lenny Shutter.

Devin was not very excited about the possibility of being a father. He was apparently dating Sugar Bijou and apparently things were getting serious with her. I sent Lenny a text, but we hadn't talked much since his blow up outside the studio. When he finally did call me back, he said he would help me out if the kid was his, but he was doubtful he was the father given my 'loose' nature. When I told Matt, he was nice enough. He said he'd set me up in a nice house and give me a monthly allowance as long as I didn't publicly name him as the father.

Mom wasn't very excited about my news, even less when I told her I wasn't 100% sure on who the father was. After she finished lecturing me, she did offer to let me stay with her and Alan. Raising a child alone was hard work, and she wanted to help. Once I hit a certain point in my pregnancy I headed to my doctor's appointment to get the paternity test.

48 hours later it was determined that Matt was indeed the father. I was excited, because of the three options, he was the best one to support me and my baby. I remember what it was like to grow up poor and I didn't want that for my child. Sure my career would eventually take off, but why struggle when I didn't have to? The doctor asked me if I wanted to know the sex of the baby while I was there and I told her no. I was secretly hoping for a girl, but wanted it to be a surprise on D-Day. Feeling good about myself, I headed over to see Matt.

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Saturday, October 19, 2013

Going Solo: Gen 1.5

I went by to visit mom. She had settled in nicely at Alan's place. It was huge and she gave me the grand tour. They had already set up a nursery and he made her a nice painting corner. She was being treated like a queen and she deserved it.

With Devin being so 'busy' I was seeing more of Lenny. He wasn't as good in bed as Devin, but he did have time for me. Even though it was rumored he had started seeing Tiara. I was really confused a few weeks later when he started yelling at me after work. I hadn't seen him for a bit and I figured it was because of his new relationship with Tiara. He did look good, I noticed while he was yelling, that he got the make over I had suggested.

Anyway he was accusing me of cheating on him. AS IF!!! We weren't exclusive and he was 'dating' someone but I was the cheater! The nerve! Unfortunately some of the other crew and staff were leaving and heard his accusations. Talk around the water-cooler turned to me having some sort of cheater reputation. 

To make myself feel better after that embarrassing incident, I headed out for a little dancing and drinking. Some girl came running up to me asking for my autograph. I was flattered, even if I thought it was a case of mistaken identity. I signed it anyway. Then there was this guy playing the keyboard and he was pretty good.

I picked up the guitar and started playing along with him. I hadn't touched one since I left Twinbrook and I forgot how much I loved the music. When I left, I tipsy dialed Devin to see if he was free and surprisingly he was. I was too tired afterwards to go home so I just crashed at his place.

I finally got another promotion. I was now a production manager! And how do I celebrate, by clubbing of course. I had called Stella to see if she wanted to come out but she had a new man in her life and couldn't make it. Guess it was a good thing because I ran into her ex, Richie. He was a looker! I know those were bad thoughts to have about my friend's ex-husband, but I can't deny he was a good looking man.

He was kind and signed an autograph then asked if I wanted to join him in the VIP room. It had a hot tub. Luckily it never went past some heavy making out. I guess there are some lines I won't cross.

I was heading home one day when I was stopped by none other than the famous Matthew Hamming. He told me he heard of my promotion and now that I was going to be on his set he wanted to personally show me around. I was shocked, he was the biggest star in the place and he actually knew who I was. I had a major fan girl moment as he led me around, ending the tour in his personal dressing room. A few weeks later I woke up with a nasty stomach bug, or at least I hoped that's all it was.

***Ansley is a 4 star celebrity and is at level 5 of her career-Production Manager. I gave Lenny a make over because I was really tired of that horrible pony tail and baggy clothes. He's the first townie I've made over. I've been really tempted to update Alan's look, but I'm leaving him as is. The baby on the floor at the club belongs to Lilly-Bo Chique.***

Continue Reading: "Going Solo: Gen 1.5"

Friday, October 18, 2013

Going Solo: Gen. 1.4

Stuff was still breaking and I began thinking it was time to look for a better place. I had been promoted from Key Grip to Alan Stanley's personal assistant. That job came with a nice bonus and pay raise. If I was lucky, I would be able to find a nice one bedroom place that wasn't going to be crazy high in rent.

I got a call from Stella who was in tears one day. She and Richie were getting divorced, she'd caught him cheating. I felt so bad for her and knew the exact thing she needed for a pick me up. She got a sitter for the night and we had a nice girls night out.

Mom had her birthday, and I have to say she aged up well. I'm so glad she has great genes, it gives me hope for when I get old. Her birthday happened to fall on leisure day and my boss was throwing a pool party. Alan was old and geeky, but you don't turn down party invites from your boss. I asked if my mom could come as well and he agreed.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Going Solo: Gen. 1.3

I was starting to think my landlord was a slum lord. Things were constantly breaking and I found I could fix them quicker instead of waiting on the maintenance guy that never seemed to show up. At least things at work were going well.

I was enjoying my new job but being a best girl was still not a glamorous job. I spent most of my time getting food for the cast members. Devin and I were hanging out more. I really was starting to like him. We met up at the sports bar in town after our shift ended, he talked me into getting a little frisky in the elevator.

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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Going Solo: Gen. 1.2

I managed to secure a job at one of the local film studios. I was a background extra, it wasn't a glamorous title or even high paying, but it was a job that got my foot in the door. Being new in town I wanted to do something I never did back home, make friends. I no longer wanted to lead a life of seclusion like I did with mom. Plus I was going to be a star, so that meant my name and face were going to be out in the public eye anyway. After all this time, I doubted my 'father' was even still searching for me so mom would be safe. I tried to figure out the best place to meet new people, in a town where looks mattered, I thought the gym would be a good choice. I had to be in shape if I wanted to be in showbiz right? Once I got there I met some friendly people.

One chick named Stella Striker who had just moved here because her husband was traded to the city's sports team. For someone who had a famous husband, she was surprisingly friendly. We exchanged numbers and decided to hang out sometimes. I also ran into one of my co-workers Devin Ashton. Man! He's hot.

I only hoped I wasn't drooling too much staring at his bare chest as he talked to me. He asked if I wanted to go hang out at Eugi's if I didn't have other plans. He said a few of the other low level workers like us hung out there from time to time. I'd never been to a bar and I wouldn't dare turn down a hot guy so I was all up for it. It wasn't much of a place, it sat in the basement of one of the high rises, but it was nice to hang out with people.

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Going Solo-Gen1.

My name is Ansley Gruber (as far as I know). I grew up in the small town of Twinbrook. All my life, it was just my mother and I. I never knew my father, my mom left him when I was just a toddler.  When I got older I asked her about him but all she would ever say was that he was a mean man. Not only was he mean, but he also was apparently an important guy.

My mom was technically a criminal you see. Because of his connections, she didn't win custody of me in the divorce so on the day she was supposed to turn me over to him she ran instead. Because she was wanted by the authorities, we lived on the outskirts of town renting a house from a 'friend' for very low rent. Turns out that friend was part of a network for battered women.

Mom didn't work so she gardened and painted to make ends meet. I never had new clothes, they were always second hand things bought from thrift shops. At first I resented my mom for making us live like that. I wanted what the other kids had, the fashionable clothes, a car, you know the normal things, but that wasn't what I got.

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Friend's Sims 4

So updates of the ever growing Halliwell family.

First up Aiden and Tabbi's children
Their twins have aged up to kids.



Then we have Vince and Kia's little boy Lyle. He is now a toddler

Rene moves faster than her older brother. While story progression has yet to marry Vince and Kia, Rene has married JC Hudson. They don't have any kids yet, but I'm sure they are coming.

JC Hudson

Of the quads, only Jason is still unattached. Eric is now going steady with a Mackenzie Neumann and Mia is now dating a Russ McHenry. If the relationships turn serious, their photos will be added.

Now for at home news.  Chad and Iria had a second set of twins.

Carlie (I have no idea where that blonde hair came from. Alcide's has highlights that Carlie didn't get.)


Winnie and William are now teens. I have to say I am very partial to Winnie, but I will put it up for a vote once they reach YA. She is very pretty and looks a lot like her mom but has daddy's eye color.

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