Sunday, January 4, 2015

As Life Goes: Gen. 5.6-Matthew

After that night I started spotting Kia around campus. I’d catch her coming from class and we’d talk for a while. She was a cute girl, certainly easy on the eyes. If we happened to both be in the student center we’d chat. I learned she had a bit of a competitive side and our table tennis matches could get heated. We started doing friendly wages and were pretty even on wins and losses. She was fun, but a little strange at times. Like the day I saw her walking in circles in the Quad.

The other kids gave her a wide berth, some were pointing and laughing. As I got closer she appeared to be talking to herself, but not just talking to herself, but having a full blown argument.

“Hey, Kia. Everything okay?”

She stopped to look at me for a moment. “No! Does it look okay?” she yelled. “That stupid professor was a jerk. He shouldn’t be teaching if he doesn’t even know his own students!” she went on.

I could understand her frustration with the professors, some of them were real asses simply because they could be.

“It’s not my fault he doesn’t remember what assignments he gives! I told him he hadn’t assigned the essay that he conveniently said was due tomorrow, but he said he had. Everyone in the class is either too dumb or too scared to speak up so they all just mumbled and looked at me like I was the crazy one! Then. THEN he kept asking me questions trying to imply I wasn’t even in the class. I finally got fed up and left, but now I have a freaking essay to write that’s due tomorrow!”

People were staring as they walked by but she didn’t seem to notice since she was back to mumbling to herself. I on the other hand did and that feeling of anxiety started creeping in. That day Claudia was yelling at me in front of the school, something I hadn’t thought about in a while, started replaying in my head. Kia wasn’t yelling at me, but I still didn’t like the attention. One…two…three…I needed her to calm down. 

“Deep breaths, Kia, take a few deep breaths.” I took a few of my own. “Why don’t we um…go to The Grotto, we can get a latte and I’ll help you with your essay.” She kept mumbling so I reached out for her arm. “Hey, did you hear me?” That action made her jump a bit. She looked at me confused for a minute then smiled.

“Matt!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms around my neck.

We spent a few hours just hanging out at The Grotto but never got around to working on her essay. When I tried to bring it up, she just pretended like it wasn’t a big deal.

I didn’t see Kia for about two weeks after that. I’d text her, but she’d say she was busy. Guess maybe she was embarrassed for having had a meltdown in front of me and everyone. But then again, finals were coming up. My buddies and I were pulling all night study sessions it seemed like.

I did call home to check in with Mom and Dad. Dad told me he’d gotten Mom a new dog. Vor was again getting up there in age and GG Wind said it wasn’t good for his health to keep turning him back since animals weren’t meant to be like us. Ancha wasn’t a replacement, since no one could replace Vor, but it would help Mom from being too upset once Vor left us. Dad said Mom loves her and that the two dogs got along great. Too great in fact since Ancha apparently wasn’t fixed and she and Vor were expecting puppies. The house was going to be busy soon. 

Kia texted me a while later asking if I wanted to hang out. I was studying for an upcoming test in my finance class, but I decided a break was a good idea. 

We met up at the bowling alley and I decided not to bring up the incident from a few weeks ago. I knew better than most how stress could trigger strange behaviors, so I didn’t hold her outburst against her. We just enjoyed the night laughing and having a good time and a friendly wager of course. If she won, I’d have to take her out to dinner and if I won she would have to do my laundry. She actually kicked my butt, but I didn’t mind, it wasn’t like spending time with her was a punishment.
When Feast Day break came up, I felt bad that Kia said she wasn’t going home. She and her dad were estranged, but she wouldn’t say why, only that it had to do with how he treated her mother. I asked about her mother, but she would change the subject so I didn’t press. Not wanting her to be by herself, I invited her home with me. 

Things got off to a bad start when Vor greeted us at the door excitedly but Ancha started barking which sent Kia running back outside. I felt terrible since I never considered she’d be scared of dogs. It took Dad some time to get them settled down before she came back in the house.

“They are friendly I promise,” I said as she clung to my arm. “You just have to let them sniff you, it’s how they say hello.” Kia stood close to me as both dogs inspected her. Once she realized they weren’t going to harm her, she relaxed a bit, but I noticed she kept a wary eye on them.

Dad got Kia’s bags settled in my room. “I don’t mind bunking on the couch,” she said.

“Guests don’t sleep on the couch, besides the dogs might lick your face while you sleep. No you stay here, and Matt will sleep outside.”

“Outside!” she exclaimed turning to look at me.

“Not like that, we have a fairy cottage I’ll sleep there.”

I took her out to show her, she was very fascinated with the idea of shrinking. Mom told her she used to have the same fascination with fairies after meeting Dad. I was a little nervous since the last girl I’d brought home was Claudia, but Kia got along well with them. I think she was a bit overwhelmed since I’d also neglected to tell her Feast Day dinner included the whole family, well at least those that were in town. The fact they were all vampires also threw her for a loop, but we were in class with all kinds of people, so I didn’t think about it. All and all the short visit was good. On the last day, Mom asked Kia to ride into town with her to get a few things to send back with us.

“She seems like a nice girl,” Dad said once they pulled off. I smiled to myself, it was a set up. Mom got her out of the house so Dad could have a ‘talk’ with me.

“She is, fun, a little different sometimes.”

“Different how?”

I shrugged, “Just different.”

“Have you been dating long?”

“We aren’t dating at all. We hang out from time to time, but that’s it. Look, I think I know where this is going, but I’m a little old for the sex talk don’t cha think?”

Dad rubbed his neck. “That’s not what this is about. Have you noticed her aura, or lack there of?”

“Oh, yeah, well I just thought that was part of the still learning the ropes thing.”

“No son, if you’re seeing the gray then that’s it. It’s a little concerning that who she is in life hasn’t been determined.”

“So she’s a late bloomer. I mean we do sorta cheat in a way being able to see their auras. Well most people anyway. Is it a bad thing that I can’t look at her and know if she’s worthy of my time or not?” I asked half yelling. I didn’t know why I was getting frustrated with this conversation, but I was.

“Son, a person’s aura is only one part of them, you know that. You have a playful one, but there’s more to you than prank pulling.”

“I know Dad. I’m sorry. I don’t know why I got so worked up.”

“It’s okay. How are things…with the stress?”

“Good. I’m in great shape,” I said jokingly. “The university has been good about letting me keep the same dorm room so change has been minimum.”

I was proud of myself for how well I had been managing. I not had any major 'episodes' since working out was a great way to keep me calm. It helped that no one looked at you twice for running across campus even in normal clothes since people were late for class all the time.

Kia and I continued to hang out after the visit. For a while all she could talk about was how close my family was and how it was a change for her. I never thought about it before, all of my friends in high school had families like mine. Well, other than Claudia. Again when I’d try to talk to Kia about her family, she’d always change the subject so I stopped asking.

A month or so later Mom called to tell me that Ancha had the puppies, a litter of four. I was very excited. I told her I wanted one so I planned on going home to pick out who I’d be keeping and taking to Riverview with me after graduation. The idea of moving still freaked me out a bit, but being away at college had help me get used to change. It would be an adjustment, but I was sure I'd be up to the task.

Aunt Hope had called and asked for one for her niece Chrissie. Apparently she’d been begging Uncle Nick and her mom for a pet and they finally caved when they heard Vor had sired pups. Aunt Starr had met Vor when she did the pictures for Mom and Dad’s wedding and she knew he had a great temperament. Mom also gave me so other news, she and Dad were expecting. My parents loved me, but I knew Mom had dreams of having more kids. The idea of being a big brother was kind of exciting.


  1. Oh, it's so good to see you posting again! I have missed this story big time. :)

    Grace and Jonas handled Kia well, and it was nice for her to see how a close family operates. Looks like she's got some skeletons in her closet as far as her family goes. There's definitely some stuff she doesn't want to talk about. I have a feeling it's going ot come out but not in a very flattering way. Matt seems to care about her a lot. The lack of an aura concerns me though. I can't wait to see what happens next.

    Congrats to Vor and Ancha on their puppies and to Grace and Jonas on their upcoming additions.

    1. It felt good to get an update out again. I've missed them, although I have been playing the family working on Matt's requirements for this gen.

      Grace and Jonas were happy to have her come visit. Matt would have told them in advance he was bringing her home and why. Kia enjoyed being part of a close family, even if only temporary. Her own family does have some secrets that we'll learn about later. Matt can tell she's a little off, and sympathizes with her since he's a little off too. To him she's a nice person and fun to hang out with so he doesn't mind being her friend. Her lack of an aura would be something to be concerned about.

      The puppies are a fun addition to the family. Grace and Jonas are thrilled to be having more of their own as well. Grace has wanted more kids for a long time now.

      thanks for reading

  2. Kia certainly is strange especially if she is having arguments with herself right on the campus. Matt seemed to handle the situation pretty well and get her calmed down even though it was giving him flashbacks of Claudia. Matt seems to have taken an interest in Kia, but Jonas picked up on something with her aura.

    Vor is getting older and Wind is not going to be able to save him this time :( Many families with dogs get a new one when they lose one or are about to, but that never means they are a replacement. Each Dog will be a family member in their own right and I am sure that Ancha will find her own place in their hearts right alongside Vor. As will the puppies. Matt grew up with Vor and its only fitting that he have one of his pups in Riverside and Cousin Chrissie adores her new puppy.

    Congrats to Grace and Jonas on the baby and I am sure that Matt is going to be very happy to be a big brother.

    1. She was just angry over the last minute assignment so she was talking to herself, in a loud angry way...yeah we'll go with that. Matt is a bit of a protector and doesn't like that the other students make fun of her when she's being odd. He knows what it's like so he tried to calm her down but it did trigger his own issues. Jonas hasn't come across anyone that is missing an aura, well at least not a human, so he is a bit concerned on what that could mean.

      Nope, Wind can't save him this time. Dogs aren't meant to live forever like people, so that potion can only be used once. Jonas loves Vor as much as the rest of the family, but he knows how extra special Vor is to Grace. He's been her loyal companion. Knowing he can't be saved a second time, Jonas thought it was good to bring in another companion for Vor and Grace. That way when the time does come, the heartache will hopefully be somewhat lessened since they'll still have another pet around. Not a replacement by any means. Ancha is already another loved member of the family and we all know how much Vor already likes her. LOL (I took the dog house out of their house so we don't have any oops puppies). Matt loves animals and Vor is his buddy so having one of the puppies with him will help his own anxiety about being away from home and his family. I'm glad Chrissie adores her puppy. :)

      Matt is excited to be a big brother. He knows how much his parents love him but he also clearly remembers how hurt his mom was over the baby Claudia terminated. He knows Grace has wanted more children and he's happy she's finally getting that.

      thanks for reading

  3. I am guessing Kia has the insane trait? Maybe they can take care of each other's crazy. So far Matt seems like he's really good for her and he's definitely into her. I wonder whats up with her aura and family. Very curious.

    Yay Vor puppies! I saw the pic posted on the forum and they are adorable!

    I am so glad they are having more babies. You can't let genes like theirs not be passed on!

    I laughed to myself at the pictures of Jonas and Matt together. Matt looks older than his father. Must be the facial hair.

    1. Kia has the insane and unstable trait. She's a mess for lack of a better word. :( I don't think she can take care of herself let alone Matt. Matt likes her but she's strictly in the friend zone still. He 'dates' but with Kia he just hangs out with her from time to time. The aura thing will be explained at a later date.

      Yep, Vor puppies. If I can't save him a second time, at least his babies will live on!

      Grace finally got her wish of more kids. We'll meet them in the next update.

      LOL he does look older, and I think it's the facial hair. I had to give him something because as he got older he looked more like Jonas. I'm hoping one of the babies gets Jonas' eye color.

      thanks for reading

  4. All of this is so exciting!! Puppies - puppies that will stay within the family, no less - Grace is having another baby (I faintly remember that from the forums I think), and Matt has a girlfriend (sort of)! So much positivity I'm surprised your computer doesn't buzz itself of the desk :P

    I just saw you say that Kia has the unstable trait - is that one I missed? :O Did it come with an EP?

    1. Yes, the puppies will stay within the family. In game Davis/Cora, Erin/Cal, and Carter each got one of the puppies. Grace and Jonas do have new additions on the way as well. :) Lots of growth in that family. Matt and Kia aren't dating, they don't (haven't) done anything romantic, they just hang out from time to time. LOL I need some positivity to off set the bad I've dealt out to my sims.

      I answered on the thread as well, but unstable came with Into The Future.

      thanks for reading!

  5. Oh yay! Puppies! I'm glad that they're also finally having more babies, Grace sure does deserve them. ^^

    1. yep puppies. I was hoping for an age freeze potion for Vor, but pets don't have one. Since he's no longer in the house I can control, I can't keep him alive any longer. :( So we get the next best thing...puppies!!!

      yay for being caught up!

      thanks for reading

  6. Oops, I just realized, now I'm caught up. lol

  7. Interesting the talk father&son and how Jonas points out her aura. I read in your comment above she has the insane and unstable traits, these feet her behaviour well, especially the part when she seems not to remember thing she had done. I wonder if this relationship is going to work.

    1. Yep, Jonas is worried. She's a nice girl, but the lack of an aura is a concern for him. She does have insane and unstable so it helps to explain her behavior a bit. She's forgetful, and acts out at times. Right now Matt only sees her as a friend, but that could change.

      thanks for reading
