Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Attaining Perfection: Update 4

We'll open with the parents spoiling their son a bit.

Ebony gives Loren the good news about becoming a father again.

LOL this shot he's checking out her boobs and can we just take a minute and talk about Ebony's boobs!

Ok when we first started she was maybe a solid B maybe C cup, but after Zane she's jumped up to nearly a double D!!! I have no clue why her boobs grew, but they have. I don't think Loren is complaining though.

So I've not played with wolves yet, maybe I should by a scratching post for Zane.

True to how she was portrayed in the bachelor challenge, Ebony is watching the game while Loren works on more of Zane's skills.

The in-laws keeping in shape together. That's not all they do together. :( Sadly I've caught them flirting on more than one occasion. Unlike Loren and Debbie, Kellan and Ebony had a higher score from the challenge. Piazzagirl has giving me info on how to stop the flirting using the woo-hooer mod so next time I'm in game I'll do that. For now I bought them both the clean slate LTR to stop the cheater reps they'd gotten. :(

Aww...aren't they cute??

 Yep, she's knocked up alright.

Such good dads putting the boys down for bedtime.

Ebony is really big on the sports. Funny how well she's fit into how she was written. When not controlled she's always working out or something.

Gotta get his flirt on, meanwhile his brother is taking care of his son.

Aunt Debbie to the rescue.

I think Aaron likes his uncle.

Last of the skills to be learned! Zane is now complete on the 3 biggies.

Birthday time!!! Aaron rolled the eco-friendly trait.

After the party, Debbie shares the good news with Kellan. Not sure that Aaron is all that impressed with having a sibling. LOL

First thing he does as a kid, go dance with his uncle. Then it's a family affair.

Father/son bonding time.

Both ladies had spa wants, so off they went.

Speaking of wants, Loren is the only one to have rolled the want to have a child and he also rolled have child with Ebony. Neither of them have wants for any certain gender and they didn't last time either I don't think. Debbie still has her want for a girl locked in from last time and Kellan rolled another want for a boy, same as last time.

Still in love.

He gets along just as well with his aunt as he does his uncle it seems.

Loren seems excited to be a daddy.

Unhappy baby...uncle Kellan to the rescue.

More family dancing.

I just love how they will care for the kids without being directed.

Loren making sure his wife knows she is still attractive to him.

Aaron off for his first day of school.

They are good friends. :)

Poor kid's gonna have nightmares.

Not so sure pull-ups are a good idea in her condition.

Nope they weren't. Baby time!!! Off to the hospital they go. BLUE SKIN!!!

So Loren has at least one requirement. Meet baby Zander born a genius and loves the outdoors. He's a genie like his father. Not sure on the hair and eyes yet, but I'm hopeful.
Uncle Kellan was eager to meet his newest nephew.

Zander is a big hit in the family. Loren is hoping he won the race...we have to wait til toddler stage though Loren.

Debbie giving a little homework help to her boy.

Snuggles. Enough to go around to both boys.

Bad planning on my part.

Debbie freaks out her son by going into labor just as I prepare for Zane's birthday. So baby and birthday time!!!

Zane aged up with the cat person trait.

Looks like Kellan got the hair, but a miss on the skin again so possible round 3 needed for him unless Zander has the hair and eyes.

Meet Alex Asher, a genie born good and heavy sleeper. Man...this was a long one. Both brothers are intent on keeping the Asher name going with these boys. Hopefully Debbie can get her girl at some point.


  1. I love that interaction when they announce the pregnancy to the fathers. Their reactions are always
    sweet :)

    So even in Sims their boobs get bigger during pregnancy. LOL! And I am sure Loren has no complaints at all about that. OMG pushups while pregnant is not a good idea and she really is into sports. I guess she knows her back story.

    Now I have to calls for Dibs on Aaron, he has the right trait for my family eco friendly family LOL!

    Both boys grew up nicely and congrats on the new additions to the family. Yeah! Team Loren has a chance Blue Skin!

    1. Yeah, the guys look so excited to get the news. :) These 2 have an even bigger reason to be happy since this is a race. LOL

      OMG I have NO clue what's going on with her boobs. I went to dress her for the second pregnancy and noticed them. I'm sure Loren isn't complaining at all with the way he was staring at them. LOL Man...Ebony is a work out fiend!!! Next time I'm in game I'll get a shot of her abs. She has gained a 6 pack from all her working out. She works out more than the guys but she makes the perfect wife for a guy that owns a chain of gyms. LOL

      Dibs it is. Once he hits YA I'll send him over to you. :)

      I'm liking the genes so far. Aaron is a teen now and he has a lot of his father's features. Yep Loren got the blue skin so if he got hair and eyes as well we'll have our winner.

      thanks for reading

  2. Awww, what an entertaining update! Aaron is going to be a very handsome young man, I'm sure. It'll be interesting to see if you get your heir when Zander ages up. Dang, Debbie and Kellan missed again, but at least they'll have a couple of very handsome boys. :) Hopefully, Debbie will get her girl sometime.

    I always have to chuckle every time Debbie starts in with the dancing. Everyone else is such sports nuts and Debbie's just this happy-go-lucky fairy. It's nice to see how in love she and Kellan still are. Loved the dip kiss picture.

    Oh, the flirting! Yeah, LOL! I'm having that problem too. If I don't watch Tyrone, he'll flirt with Crystal sorta often, which I don't want. It's nice that this can be changed within the WooHooer mod, which is something I'll have to do. More often than that, it's the autonomous pouring juice from the keg. LOL! Needless to say, I have a houseful of drunks. LMAO!

    LOL on the boobs. So, I've seen them get bigger during the pregnancy but I guess Ebony's must have stayed big. If only that could happen in real life. Hahahaha.

    1. Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm liking the gene mix I've gotten with the kids so far. Fingers crossed Zander has all the right requirements or it'll be try #3 for them both. Yep, another boy for them, hopefully Debbie will get her girl sometime.

      Debbie likes to dance and Aaron follows in his mother's footsteps. LOL The rest of them are workout nuts, and Ebony is on a mission to convert Debbie I think because she tries to train her often. hahaha Aww...glad you liked that picture. Both couples are very much in love and the only thing I stop them from doing it the auto risky woo-hoo.

      The flirting was bad! I think since Ebony and Kellan's relationship score was so high from the challenge, they just do that on their own a lot more. Loren and Debbie's is lower so they aren't guilty. It's bad and I wish EA had some built in system that stopped that based on the family relation in game, but it doesn't :(. OH no!!! You have drunks! If you remember from gen. 1 of As Life Goes, Lenny was made out to be a drunk because he was always going to the keg when left on his own. LOL

      Man, the boobs! I saw those and was like WOW. And it does happen in real life for some women, I should know. ;)

      thanks for reading

  3. This challenge sounds so fun! I'm not sure I.could manage so many people in one house, but I may give it a.try! Although, reading.your Going Solo story also made me want to do that one! I'm on generation 3 of it, so its going pretty well.

    1. Well I only have so many people because I started with 2 couples. Most times it's just 1 couple people play, but I used the twins. Aww...yay you started a going solo. Are you publishing? If so, be sure to stop by the thread we're a friendly bunch! Glad you are enjoying playing it, I'm having fun with it.

      Thanks for reading :)
