Monday, September 7, 2015

Attaining Perfection: Update 8

Loren doesn't mind that it's snowing, the hot tub was calling his name.

Full moon, the wolves in the house give in to their animal side.

I've never done the pack hunting thing before since I've not played with wolves. Ebony and Zane are out to hopefully find some treasure for the family.

Debbie spends some quality time with Alex while uncle Kellan reads Zander a bed time story.

Loren of course can't be shown up on the uncle duties.

Have no idea why they felt the need to do the school cheer in Ebony and Loren's bedroom while Ebony sleeps. With her still in wolf form, they best be happy they didn't wake her. LOL

The younger cousins get along as well as the older cousins.

Father/son bonding time!

The sister in laws are having a nice conversation, well until Loren decides to interrupt them.

Guess watching them flirt made Debbie go hunting for her own hubby. He's more than happy to oblige.

Loren and Ebony were a bit stir crazy and since he wanted to ice skate with her I sent them off. So like fairies, genies don't really skate. :( Bummer, I was hoping to get cute shots of them skating together.

Ebony: One day son yours will be this long.

Ebony continues to chat things up with her son while her husband and Debbie shake their booties together.


Aaron got nurturing trait. Final are easily impressed, virtuoso, perceptive, Eco-friendly and nurturing.

Aaron looks like his father minus the skin tone. Man if not for that and the wings, he'd be nearly an exact clone. Debbie, your genes got taken over completely. LOL

Debbie: My baby is all grown up...

Our fitness buffs in action.

Always time to flirt. Need to keep the romance alive.

Aww...he's a good cousin.

Love is in the air.

I don't think this machine has been used since the challenge.


Zane clumsy trait. Final are absent minded, clumsy, loves the cold, Eco-friendly, and cat person.
Once they graduate I will move them out of the house and the couples can try for babies #3.
**Blooper Shot**

Debbie having a chair there gives a whole new meaning to a stick up your ass. LOL

Zane is up for download. He's also on my mediafire account in case the exchange acts up.


  1. Time sure does fly. It's hard to believe Aaron and Zane are all grown up now. It's so great to see the couples still so in love. It's so refreshing. :) I loved how Debbie hugged Aaron after he aged up. Awww, they do grow up fast, don't they?

    LOL on the blooper shot. Ouch, that had to hurt.

    Looking forward to the next part. :)

    1. Yep, they are grown and it's time to move them out of the house soon. The couples are still very much in love and I have to watch them. Sometimes they try to do risky woo-hoo before it's time to try again.

      Yep, the blooper shots are fun when I can catch the.

      Thanks for reading

  2. Aaron does look just like his Dad and both boys really aged up well. I really love seeing the updates on how well this family gets along, they all seem to fit together just right. Well once you fixed the Ebony/Kellan flirting problem they do. It will almost be time to try again for the heir, keeping my fingers crossed. :)

    1. Yep, you don't see any of Debbie in him at all. I'm liking how Zane turned out. I've never used that hair before, but it seemed to really fit him. They all do get along well and it's nice I'm not breaking up fights. Breaking up the flirting was the only thing but now I have them worked out. The older two will be moving out and we can try again.

      thanks for reading
