Thursday, July 2, 2015

Idyllic Family: 16

Busy morning in the Gardiner household. Kids off to school and Tony is off to work. Salina is left home to clean house and keep things all organized.

After school, Sam brings this unfortunate looking girl home. (forgot her name)

She's a bit too eager to work on home work... After Sam gets dressed, they complete their homework in a more appropriate setting.

The TV broke while Tony is at work so he fixes it as soon as he gets home.

Salina spends some time with Zach helping him with his homework before dinner.

TV repaired, Tony jumps in to help with homework as well. Poor Tanya doesn't get her parents attention  this time, but that's okay, it's time for her recital.

Some father/daughter time before bed.

The next day Big Brother helps Tanya with her homework.


and...there's a road block at the door. The family was on the way to Jay's scout ceremony when Tanya went into labor. Love that Tony took a call during this time.

Welcome another boy (man I was really hoping for a girl) Kyle Gardiner. Born with brave and virtuoso.

BIRTHDAY!!!! The twins have gotten on the honor roll. Sadly I again failed with getting to level 3 of the afterschool activity. :( They both did get to level 2.

First up Jay (the family was slow getting to the cake :( )

Then Tanya, you get a sneak peek of how Jay aged up before his make-over.

Close up of the before shots of the twins.

After Jay who gained the sailor trait

After Tanya who gained the hopeless romantic trait

**Family Stats**
Sam is on the honor roll not sure what level he's on with the newspaper club though
fishing 3
logic 4
painting 5
writing 5
athletic 3
cooking 2
gardening 1
guitar 4
violin 2

fishing 4
logic 4
painting 3
writing 4

fishing 4
logic 5
painting 4
writing 3
photography 3

fishing 1
logic 4
writing 2

Tony is super close to completing his LTW next time the goes to work he should be promoted! Then he can focus more on completing his handiness skill journal.


  1. I'm caught up with the Gardiner family. I love how the challenge is going and I am looking forward to seeing the family grow.

    I had to laugh when that unfortunate girl decided she needed to do her homework in the bathroom while Sam was taking a shower LOL!

    1. woot! They are quick and easy updates to read. I have pictures still to sort through to get the next update done. The challenge is going slow, but I'm determined to finish it. Even if I'm failing some parts. :(

      hahaha yeah, she followed him in there while he was in the shower. Not how she's gonna gain access to the family.

      thanks for reading
