Friday, July 10, 2015

Orphan Angela: Update 2

Daddy #2 Gavin Pinkerton 

Angela seems to be a good mom having fun at bathtime.
After getting Quinn taken care of she invites over another guy from her dating profiles, Gavin Pinkerton.

Those babies can't be made without outside participation after-all.
Gavin seems very willing to get to know Angela better. The fact that he has a  fiancée is of little worry to him.

Bunny slippers are very sexy!

After the deed is done, Gavin lays on the charm. Down fella, you already got lucky.
Angela manages to remeber she has a child to care for.

Quinn gets fed, changed, and played with. Gavin doesn't appear to be in any hurry to go home.
Maybe she doesn't think the slippers are sexy after-all.

Even with the heckling, Gavin is still in a flirty mood. No idea how he's going to explain to his  fiancée where he's been all night, but he doesn't seem worried. He finally goes home the next morning after a few more rounds of woo-hoo.

That's right Angie, you have a baby that needs you.

Looks like Gavin's swimmers hit the mark. Gotta wait kid, your mom is puking right now. And please note creepy doll watching Quinn. Those IFs are freaky!!!

Broken sink is the perfect opportunity to work on some skills.

Then more puking.


A face only a mother could love. Is it just me or does that smirk on his face look a little evil?

My kid needs me??? (ignored yellow bubble there) I rather go dance.

Lonely kid, sick mom, thank goodness for the creepy toy.

After puking yet again, Angela is ready to spend some time with her son.

Belly pop.

Then more dancing. I think she and Loren would get along great.

Out for some fresh air and she runs into another guy that was on her list of potentials. Looks like they have something in common if that kid is his.

Stellar parenting there, kid is screaming from hunger, let's keep chatting. And he's barefoot...Angela he might not be good daddy material. Then again the last two were in relationships so carry on. LOL

Quinn does some playing while mom reads up on pregnancies.

Homeward bound, someone made a stinky.

She is working on his skills, then snuggles!

Not the best choice of dinner, but she's pregnant so we'll write it off as a craving.

She stuck him in there so she could run off to dance.

Annnd again she danced herself into labor.

Calls a sitter, then off to the hospital for her.

Gavin shows up to be by her side.
Welcome Grayson Welsh born with the loves the heat and absent minded traits.

Gavin comes home with them. While she's caring for their son, he's playing on the computer.

He does manage some snuggle time with his son.

It should be noted that Gavin and his now wife had a baby the day before.

So far Quincy has been slacking on his financial responsibilities and not paying any child support. I haven't even gotten pop ups he's been put in jail so he's good at ducking the authorities.


  1. Love the update!
    That IF is hella creepy. It's like, "I'm watching you little boy"

    1. That IF was very creepy!!! Like it's plotting to take my kid away.

      thanks for reading

  2. So much to laugh at in this update. No the bunny slippers are not there to be sexy, there are just there to tell Angela he doesn't multiplying like a rabbit. 2 kids in 2 days, that sounds just about right to me.

    Oh yes that IF was creepy especially the way it was looking at him. And the potential barefooted Dad on his parental skills!

    Looking forward to seeing what is next.

    1. What??? Bunny slippers NOT sexy??? Good thing Angela is more interested in him with his clothes off. She is on a mission to surround herself with people.

      Yep, that IF was very creepy, he's the one I was talking about in email. Looks like he's gonna harm my child in some way. :( haha he's been one on her list but walking around barefoot doesn't give a vote of confidence.

      I have pictures for one more update so have to sort them and get it together.

      thanks for reading

  3. This update had me laughing like crazy. First, the bunny slippers, then the barefoot dad, and then all the dancing. She sure did puke a lot this time around. She's going to have her hands full with two kids to take care of on her own. Looking forward to the next part.

    1. Bunny slippers are a very sexy look! LOL I guess Kanoa (barefoot guy) is a hippie that likes to be one with nature. She dances all the damn time. She and Loren would get along great.

      Man she did put a lot, I thought she was gonna have more than one, but nope she didn't. I'm trying to space them out a little so she doesn't have to deal with pods and toddlers at the same time.

      thanks for reading
