Saturday, July 16, 2016

Orpan Angela: Update 11

Angie doing some much needed cleaning since her neat kids have moved out.
Chad wakes up rather hungry and he makes sure Angie knows.

Carol is a little less demanding in her needs.

Angie has been better about rolling wants for both twins this time.

After a while, she leaves the tots to entertain themselves while she takes a much needed nap. Luckily the older two are due home from school around that time.

Angie gets up from her nap just in time to put Chad down for bed.

Getting the skill knocked out as she wishes for them. :)

The twins take over helping with the twins so Angie can eat. I just noticed in this shot not only did I have boy/girl twins a second time, the hair color was also split. Random observation on my part.

Baby time! Pretty sunset going on there.

Cruz does show up. So far all the fathers have.

Cade hates outdoors and slob. He appears to be human like his father.

Calista brave and absent-minded. Fairy, with those same green sparkles. :(

Cruz looks less than impressed with his new bundle of joy.

Alrighty, last update I gave the run down on who's dating who. But for a quick recap:
Hailey was married to Grayson's father (Gavin Pinkerton). They had 3 kids together; Juliana who's now in high school, Corrie who's a child, and the only boy, Cullen who's a toddler. Quinn is about to be step-father to 3 kids that are his half-brother's half-siblings.

LOL talk about soap opera like. But it gets better. Gavin is in turn now engaged to Benni Hennesy (I missed the pop up, but she showed under his relationship panel). She was Quincy's last girlfriend before he died. They never had kids, so that's a little better I guess, but there have to be more avaiable women in this town. LOL Benni is a wolf.

I gave the women much needed makeovers.
Top is Hailey, bottom is Benni

Only looks like Quinn got cold feet at the alter or something.

Not to be outdone by her brothers, Carlie gets in on the too close for comfort action. She is now dating Blair's daddy.

So if this works out, she will be half-sister and step-mother to Blair. LOL

Chuck paid up without fuss this time

Because Angie completed her first LTW, I changed her to a new one: culinary librarian.


  1. Oh Wow I didn't notice that about the twins with the hair color either until you pointed it out. That is strange the way that happened.

    I love that shot with the sunset. That was very pretty. Angie went into labor at the right time.

    I love the makeovers you gave the girls dating Angie's son and the blonde really looked nice.

    That was a good idea to change Angie's ltw.

    1. I didn't either until I had the older twins teaching the younger two. Crazy how that worked out since the blonde hair is a mystery gene.

      The sunsets in AP are very pretty, love the coloring in this town.

      Thanks. Since they were marrying into the family, I felt they needed to be fixed up some.

      Since she completed that first one, guess this could be like a mini Iron Woman challenge at least where the LTW are concerned.

      thanks for reading
