Sunday, June 23, 2013

Randomacy 3-And Baby Makes Three

Reed was a great big brother which is exactly what Eliza expected him to be. He was a tad overly cautious and every time Eliza groaned or something he thought she was going into labor. He kept a bag packed by the door ready to go to the hospital at a moments notice. Eliza had neglected to tell him she was planning on doing a home birth. She figured she'd cross that bridge when the time came. Both Eliza's pregnancy and garden were going well.

She was also making friends around town since sitting at home all day was not what she would call fun. Reed had lived in his house for almost a year yet he rarely talked to his neighbors. Eliza had settled into a routine of waking up to work in her garden before going out for a walk around town.

"Ow." She said grabbing her side "Look kid you are only renting the space, try not to do any permanent damage in there."

It took her a few more contractions before she realized she was in labor. She called her midwife who rushed over to help welcome little Bree Barclay into the world. Eliza waited until after it was all over to contact Reed who was at work. He rushed right home and couldn't even be angry with his sister when he held his niece in his arms for the first time. The siblings settled into a routine eventually to care for Bree.

Reed definitely took on the role of the worried parent, leaving checklists behind when he left for work. It's not that he doubted his sister's ability to care for her daughter, but she was a bit absent minded at times. The morning he woke up to her screaming his name was a clear reminder of that.

  "REED! REED!" Eliza screamed.
Reed rushed into the kitchen to find the stove ablaze.
  "What happened?" He asked as he grabbed the fire extinguisher.
  "I was making breakfast and then this commercial came on TV and I forgot the pancakes were on the stove."
  "Did you already call 911?"
  "No I called you."
  "Go call 911!" He screamed as he continued to battle the flames. They were out by the time the firefighter's arrived and the house only had minor damage done to it.

After that Reed wanted to ban her from cooking, but didn't want to be to harsh on her. However he worried more when he left for work.

Later that week Eliza convinced Reed to come with her and Bree to the town fair. They were having a great time until this guy thought he should tell Eliza she was a horrible mother for 'flirting' with him while carrying a baby.

All she did was introduce herself to him and he went off on her. She didn't let one grumpy person ruin her day. She was enjoying her time with her brother, but the need to roam was becoming hard to ignore. Even she knew, that life wasn't good for a baby, she only hoped she could find some way to satisfy the free spirit in her that was beginning to feel tied down.

***Blooper shot. Reed the 'responsible one' left poor Bree on the ground so he could go enter a pie eating contest.****


  1. Oh! I can't wait to see what Bree looks like! LOL hey, I've burned pancakes while watching commercials on tv...although they didn't catch on fire, at least.

    1. Next update she'll age up to toddler. Eliza is absent minded and really did walk away from the stove which then caught fire. Reed has a good reason to be worried. LOL. I've burned pancakes too, they cook really fast so it's easy to do if you aren't watching.:P

  2. Hehe! I like how Eliza decided to keep Reed out of Bree's birth (a lof of 'E's in this family!), she really is a bit of a free spirit, isn't she?

    I'm looking forward to seeing Bree too, although a little upset that you said she's not allowed blue hair. Hmph.

    Absent minded sims are fun! One of my spares was absent minded last generation. It got a bit annoying when she'd forget to shower, but remember her homework, though. I prefer clumsy sims <3

    1. Yeah he would have freaked out if he knew in advance she was gonna deliver at home. :P He is a very strict by the book military man after all. But that's not Eliza's way and she is very much a free spirit which should be fun when she can actually work on her career.

      Aww sorry about the hair. Bree did inherit it when I age her up, but I changed it to match the color of her eyebrows which were not blue. Maybe when she gets older she'll dye it to match mom. :)

      It does suck when she drops things out of cue because she 'forgot' My other legacy play (I have a few going cuz they don't hold my attention) my founder and heir are both clumsy.

  3. great chapter! it will be interesting to see how Eliza deals with her need to roam.

    1. Well hopefully the pull to be a good mom will keep her in place for a while. We can only wait and see how long she stays put. :)

  4. I've spent the last few days reading through every post in your blog, I just love your style!! :}

    Eliza is gorgeous, I can't wait to see how little Bree looks when she grows up. :D

    1. wow, thanks. These are my for fun plays to give myself a break from my stories. I try to go for lighter, less involved recounting for these. I'm glad you are enjoying them.

      Thanks, I like the way she turned out. Hopefully Bree will be a cutie since I don't really know what dad looked like. He was a random pick from the guys in town.

  5. LOL @ the brother jumping at every little thing.

    "you're only renting this space" AHAHAHAHA! Love it.

    Some people have a strange sense of what's flirting and what's not. It's probably that that guy is attracted to Eliza and it bothered him that she had a baby.

    Hehe, well maybe Reed thought that Bree would like to play in the dirt a while. O.o

    1. I figured he'd be that type wanting to make sure everything went 'according to plan' but since babies rarely follow a plan it fit. :P

      I'm trying to add in some humor. Not so sure if I can always pull it off but I try. Thought that line would be very Eliza like.

      I'm not sure what was up with that townie. She really did just do a friendly introduction and he started yelling at her.

      Reed, he's supposed to be the good one. :P

  6. I knew Reed would be a great uncle!

    Eliza just makes me laugh! "Did you call 911?" "No, I called you!" She said it like why should I call 911?

    She has such a bubbly personality and I hope that she can find something that fills her needs so that she will be happy with Reed and her daughter.

    1. yes he is going to enjoy his niece for sure.

      hahaha yeah she's funny with her thought process sometimes. I'm trying to make her fun. Hopefully the urge to be a good mom kicks in and fulfills that want she has to roam again.

  7. Commercials are the death of many a person unfortunately.

  8. Wow, two comments from me in one day! Glad that Eliza has Reed to help her with the baby and bail her out of messes she seems to find herself in. I know this is three months later but congrats on the birth of little Bree.

    1. Thanks, and no worries on the lateness. I haven't updated since this was posted. LOL

  9. Thank goodness Reed is around. Who needs 911 anyway? ^_^
    I have a feeling Eliza will up and run and leave Reed with Bree. She's already feeling caged.

    1. LOL yeah Eliza really needs Reed at this point. 911, please her brother can take care of it. :P Let's hope she doesn't run out on her daughter, but the is a wandering spirit.
