Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Twin's Bachelor Challenge-Intro: Double Trouble


I saw Loren heading my way braced myself for his latest taunt. He’d been damn near relentless in his teasing after I was sent home from Chelsea’s time on the show. Considering he’d made it to guy number 3 with Donna while I was sent packing early on, he’d gotten a real kick out of my second rejection. I’d liked Donna, but I could tell Loren was really into her so I decided to back off a bit. I know we compete a lot, but if my brother really had a thing for that chick, I wasn’t gonna be an ass just for the sake of being an ass and try for her affections. Chelsea, however was a different story. She was not only freakin HOT, but she was fun. A girl after my own heart almost. The things that came out of her mouth…well I would have loved the chance to try some of them out. Neal would be the lucky bastard to do that and I was happy for him. We’d gotten to know each other while I was there and he was good people.

“Hey Bro, I knew I’d find you here,” Loren said.

“Yep, I rather hear the clink of the weights instead of your annoying ass,” I replied laying back to do another set.

“Dude, come on now. You’ve been so freaking moody since you got back.”

“I’ve not been moody, you’ve just been a class-A asshole, but then again you’re always like that so…”

“Ha-ha-ha…you are so funny. Anyway I got news.”


Kellan continued to finish out his reps before acknowledging what I’d said. I probably had been teasing him a bit much, but that’s what we did. It’s how we showed affection. I was hoping he’d pull himself out of whatever funk he’d been in since he got back from Hidden Springs. I’d watched the show and that Chelsea chick was a real live wire. I’d heard that she’d had the highest rated show because people tuned in just to see what would come out of her mouth next. I could easily see why Kellan might have been a bit hung up on her. Not to mention he took a huge hit to his ego being sent home a second time. It hadn’t helped that when we’d gone out his pick-up game was all thrown off when chicks would mention seeing him on both shows.

“I gotta hit the free weights, so tell me your all important news and make it quick.”

“Well when you say it like that I’m not sure I want to tell ya.”

“Man, really? You brought your ass all the way down here to interrupt my workout so I know you aren’t gonna just walk away without telling me,” Kellan replied, punching me in the arm for good measure.

“Alright, alright,” I said throwing my hands up in mock surrender. “I got a call from the producers of that show.”

“What show?”

“The dating thing…The One. They want me,” I said grinning.

“You came to tell me that? It could have waited until after I finished.”

I laughed, I knew he’d be pissed. “Don’t be jealous. They clearly know who the better brother is…”

“Riiiight. You keep believing that. I’m gonna go finish my workout.”

“Don’t you even want to know the details?”

“Nope, not really.”

“Oh, well too bad since they want you too.”

I wished I had a camera to capture the total look of confusion on his face. It was the funniest thing I’d seen all day. It was probably wrong of me to string him along like that, but I couldn’t resist.


I didn’t know whether I wanted to punch him in the face or…no punching him was it.

“Ow!” He said rubbing his arm before hitting me back.

“When will you stop being such a juvenile?”

“Says the man whose first response is violence.”

“What can I say; you bring out the best in me.”

Loren made some noncommittal grumble before launching into the details. We were the first set of twins to ever be on the show and –as he put it- regardless of ‘my’ poor performance, the producers of the show wanted to try something new. We would be the first ever twin bachelors. The show was being aired in Dragon Valley this season, a place we’d heard of but never visited. I was kinda of hoping we’d get some tropical locale, but a free trip is a free trip.

“So are you in?” Loren asked looking like an excited kid on Christmas morning. “I mean just think about it, 16 hot ladies, possibly half-dressed all flaunting themselves for us. What could be better?”

“Not much when you put it that way. Plus with 16, I’m sure that maybe one or two might be interested in you.”

“Only one or two?”

“Yeah, I mean I am the better looking brother.”

Loren’s boisterous laughter rang out causing some of our patrons to look in our direction. “Yeah right BABY brother, you keep lying to yourself.”

After letting Sal know we’d be out of the office for a few weeks again, we left our business, Magically Fit, in his capable hands.

Four weeks later the limo dropped us off in front of a large 4 story house. The main floor was the living room and kitchen area.

The second floor housed 3 identical bedrooms for the contestants to use. The top floor was ours. Our bedrooms were off limits unless we wanted to have one-on-one private time-to talk only- with one of the ladies. The producers were very clear about that talk only part.

“Since I’m oldest, I get the bigger room,” Loren said as we toured the spaces.

“In your dreams!” I said shoving him out of ‘my’ room to go finish looking around.

The basement floor had another bedroom along with a game room.

Outside was a large pool complete with a water slide and swim up bar. Since we owned a string of gyms, we were both fitness buffs so the rock climbing wall was a great addition to the house.

There wasn’t a workout room, but I guess that wasn’t a bad thing. I’m sure we’d find other ways to keep in shape while here.

“I know how we can decide who gets which room,” Loren said.


He pointed towards the rock wall. “Whoever makes it to the top wins.”

After a quick change we headed back down to the wall. I was feeling good and had the lead, but I missed one of the grips and fell.


“Boo-ya!” I said after I rang the bell.

“Yeah, I let you win since I know you’d pout otherwise.”

“Sure you did.”

We spent the rest of the day just chillin’ at the house. Kellan played a little shuffle board while I worked on my dance moves.

The pool was great. The slide was my favorite part. I waited for the hot tub, I’m sure I’d get a lot of use out of it once the ladies arrived. After dinner, we sat and looked over the bios of the ladies that would be arriving in the morning. Among the group was a set of twins and another set of just sisters. Kellan and I thought it would be funny if we both ended up with them.

I had to admit that it would be a funny thing to say as twins we dated twins or siblings. One thing I did worry about but didn’t want to bring up right now was what happened if we were both strongly attracted to the same woman. We were twins, but we were different in personality so I had to believe that out of 16 women we’d each find our special One.

Hopefully the change in POV was easy to keep up with. I tried writing this up in 3rd but it didn't work out so well. 

The house I'm using is a base game house. I've remade it to fit the challenge and so that it fits into Dragon Valley a bit more.

Bonus shot. Poor Kellan didn't take his loss well. :(


  1. And so it begins. Competitors to the bitter end. LOL! Those two crack me up. Man, this is going to be a very interesting challenge. I have to give you props because doing a double one and having 16 ladies would make the house totally insane.

    1. Yep it begins. LOL those two compete a lot so this should be fun. OH believe me I was going crazy!! Trying to keep an eye on everyone since I did have a drowning, I couldn't just follow Loren and Kellan which was my plan in the beginning. I had to click through each sim to make sure they were still alive. hahaha Playing through took a while as you'll see in the notes.

      thanks for reading

  2. So it starts! LOL, love the way those two compete. I sure hope they don't end getting 100 scores with the same exact woman. I really can't wait to see your scoring system there. I am also quite nervous to see how my ladies did. I am sure with 16 ladies and the twins you had a mad house there for awhile! Can't wait to see what's next.

    1. Yep, the fun has begun. I had that same fear about them ending up with the highest score with the same lady. :( They'd make life really hard on me if that is the case. The scoring system will be explained in the week 1 update. Hopefully it makes sense. :) The house was crazy!!! I wasn't sure if I'd make it through or not.

      thanks for reading

  3. Yay! You started posting. I have been looking so forward to reading this. OMG those two really do sound like competitive brothers. Loren is being way too hard on Kellan, I am really feeling bad for him, especially his reaction to losing the rock climbing comptetition. And Kellan we are all sure that you really did back off a bit with Donna as well as let Loren win the bigger room so he didn't pout.

    I absolutely love the house you did a great job with it and I can't wait to see how all of this turns out.

    1. Yep, decided to go ahead and get it started. Hopefully you enjoy it. Loren was a bit mean, but I think he gets better towards the end. hahaha That was the first time I'd ever used the rock wall, I couldn't believe he cried. :( I felt bad and he was in the lead but he slipped and fell. I'm sure he did back off for Donna since Loren seemed to be really into her.

      Aww, thanks. I can't remember the name of it, but it is one that came with the game. Dragon Valley had very few large house that were vacant and I didn't feel right kicking out a family.

      Thanks for reading

  4. I'm so excited for this :3 I loved seeing the banter between them, and I can't wait to see them going after all those ladies!!

    The house looks amazing, I do recognise it from the base game. You've done a great job remodelling it!

    1. Thanks. They've been with each other their whole lives, so it's good they get along. Hopefully they won't get too competitive when it comes to the ladies.

      Thanks! I wanted it to fit into Dragon Valley since they'll be staying there to live afterwards.

      thanks for reading

  5. Aw, poor Kellan. It was relatively easy to keep up with, I was having the hardest time differentiating between the two actually. I definitely think it would be interesting if they both ended up with sisters or the twins. I'm definitely rooting for the twins though, that would definitely be interesting for sure.

    I'd say I can't wait for more, but I have two more chapters to read, so I'll save that for later.

    1. Yeah, poor Kellan is on the losing end a lot. :( You mean telling which brother is which? I tried to give them different hair styles to make it a little easier. It would be interesting if they ended up with the twins. Twins married to twins, that happens in real life sometimes.

      enjoy the other two. :)

      thanks for reading

  6. The competitiveness and the name calling with these two! I really hope it is our of affection.

    That house is amazing! Great remodeling! Doing a twin challenge must have been extra hard and twice as amusing!

    I'm glad I'm behind so I can keep reading.

    1. LOL they are funny to write. It is out of affection I promise. They love each other and when it comes down to it, they have each other's backs.

      Aww thanks. I wanted it to fit into DV since they will stay there after the challenge and the inside needed a little reconfiguring to make it work for the challenge. Man...I kept asking myself why I did this!!! LOL it was hard but once the numbers dwindled down it got a little easier.

      thanks for reading
